Friday, November 18, 2011

Green Smoothies

I love a green smoothie for breakfast. Actually, I love vegetables for breakfast! Green smoothies give me a long lasting energy boost and are very satisfying when I am craving something sweet.

To make a green smoothies:
  1. Choose your base: water or non dairy milk (if you have a Vitamix, throw a handful of nuts in with some water and your milk will be made along with your shake.) 
  2. Choose your green: I love using kale but it is a little bitter so I would suggest starting with spinach or romaine lettuce. (The darker the green leaf, the better.)
  3. Choose your fruit: bananas almost always have a starring role, but avocados, mangos, fresh dates, pineapples, berries, apples, and pears are tasty too. 
  4. Optional superfoods*: a tsp of maca, spirulina, other seaweeds (like dulse), hemp powder for protein, cacao powder or nibs, goji berries, or bee pollen.
  5. If you need some added sweetness: add raw honey, maple syrup or agave.

The average ratio in a green smoothie is about 60% fruit to 40% leafy greens but you can start with more fruit and work your way up. 

* View this related article explaining superfoods

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