Saturday, November 1, 2008

Finding Certainty in Times of Challenge

With the US presidential elections next week, powerful change is upon us.

Over the past months, many of us spent a lot of our energy and focus following the presidential campaign, as well as the stock market. Mixed emotions of hope and fear have popped our dreams of freedom and abundance.

Weaving the dreams of our future into external circumstances causes us to direct the spotlight off of ourselves, and can leave us in a darkness of dependency.

Although we thankfully live in a democracy in which our voices can be heard, it is important to check in and notice if our involvement is leaving us with a feeling of empowerment or of discouragement. Are you focusing your energy on what you don’t want to see, or on the vision that you do want to create? Be sure you are tending the right garden. Whichever you attend to will be the one that grows.

“The external” is not the primary circumstance that determines your personal health or happiness. You are. Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Stress can block the flow of positive change. Doubt can only block the manifestation of what you want in your life.

But how do we create peace at such difficult times, with the political and financial situation being as it is? Are you haunted by a future that may never happen?

Living in fear is never going to produce inner peace. These fears are excuses for us to not take control.

If you are feeling your finances are shaken, this is a message for you to reevaluate your expenses. What habits do you finance that don’t bring you any closer to your higher self? Are your daily spendings at the vending machine or at a take-out counter more important than expanding your awareness and education? Be sure not to give up the things that connect you with your inner peace. Your yoga class, dance class, gym membership, a massage, or the donations you make that open your heart to the gift of giving. These are the investments that will give you the greatest return in the long run. When we give to ourselves and to others from a place of love, we open ourselves to the possibility of trust rather than fear.

Your quality of life is not determined by your future savings as much as it is by your current enjoyment of life. When we allow worry to weigh on our shoulders and lower our head down to the ground, we are likely to miss the subtle opportunities that come our way. Look up! When you see something that helps your spirit thrive and makes you feel good, act upon it or buy it. It will increase your energy vibration and open your channels to inspiration. The higher your “vibe”, the brighter you shine, the more you will attract the abundance you desire.

When we are respectful to money and respectful to ourselves, we invest wisely. We all have an idea of what we are doing and not doing to support our higher self. Seek the support you need to create the change you want to see in yourself and your environment.

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