Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ghee (Clarified Butter): What Is It? And Why You Want To Use It

According to Ayurveda, ghee is said to be beneficial for the whole body. Traditionally, ghee has been used to promote memory and brain function as well as heal inflammation and enhance digestion. Modern science tells us that ghee also harbors phenolic antioxidants which bolster the immune system. 

If you are familiar with the doshas in ayurvedic medical philosophy, ghee is best for Vatas, soothing for Pittas, and balancing for Kaphas in moderation. For cold, dry, stiff and airy (Vata) types, ghee adds heaviness and lubrication to the body in the joints and in digestion. Ghee is cooling and soothing for the fire-based ailments (Pitta), such as fever, acidity, and inflammation. For all three doshas, ghee helps memory and is a healthy fat that is good for the liver and immune system, though Kaphas should consume it in moderation as it also helps build body mass.

Ghee is none other than butter that has been clarified; having had the impurities of saturated fat and milk solids removed.  Ghee is lactose-free.

In yoga, ghee is said to lubricate the connective tissues and promote flexibility,

You can use ghee as you would use butter. Remember that ghee is fat, and only a certain amount of total fat is necessary in the diet.

You'll find ghee at the health food store, or you can easily make it yourself.

* When buying or making ghee, or any dairy product, look for organic. All toxins like to settle in body fat, and especially mammary glands, which makes it important to choose organic animal products like milk and butter, otherwise they tend to be the most laden with impurities like pesticides, herbicides and other toxins found in air, water and feed.

How To Make Ghee

Cut 1 pound of unsalted butter into large cubes (keep all cubes at approximately the same size) and melt over a medium-low heat in a heavy pot with a rather thick bottom and high sides.

When the melted butter starts boiling, it will begin to create a popping sound as moisture evaporates from the butter. You may need to adjust the heat slightly to be sure you hear constant sizzling and spitting sounds.

As the butter continues to boil uncovered, the amount of foam will decrease. You will notice curd solids beginning to form and sink to the bottom of the pot. As a result, the butter will become more and more transparent.

From time to time, gently stir the surface with a wooden spoon to better check the transparency of the melted butter. Don't go deep with the spoon; the purpose is not to stir but to check if the clarified butter is taking a clear golden color.

When the clarified butter has become transparent and there is very little foam left on the surface, the ghee is ready. All solids should have settled in the bottom by now. This process should take anywhere between 10-15 minutes depending on the cooking heat.

As soon as it turns a beautiful golden color and begins to smell like popcorn, immediately remove the ghee from the heat. At this stage it can burn very quickly. If the ghee has become darker in color, it has been overcooked.

Let it cool a little. Pour the golden liquid through a fine sieve, a tea strainer or cheesecloth into a glass jar. Discard the brownish curds at the bottom of the pot.

Clarified butter can be kept covered without refrigeration. Once cool it will solidify like butter.

Anti-inflammatory Sweet Ghee Spread

6 Tbs. of ghee
4 Tbs. of honey (preferably raw.) Amount can be adjusted according to your liking.
6 tsp. of turmeric
6 tsp. of cinnamon
5 tsp. of ginger (dried, not fresh)

Mix the ghee and honey in a jar. You may need to soften them by placing the jar in a bowl of hot water (or soften in microwave). Mix in all spices and store in a tight-lid jar. This spread can last for months without spoiling. Enjoy it on toast..


´Grit said...
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Anonymous said...

Always so lovely to hear your voice through your teachings. KEEP ROCKING DANIEL!!!!