Sunday, March 1, 2009


As a way of tuning into your body and learning to listen to its messages, explore eating a different breakfast every day for a week. Jot down what you eat and how you feel, both right after eating and again two hours later. Sit quietly after you eat and reflect. Note how your energy level, your moods, and your physical symptoms are affected by the food in your body.

Day 1: fresh fruit salad or fruit smoothie or baked fruit
Day 2: rolled oats (not instant) with nuts and dates or dried fruit
Day 3: egg scrambled with veggies (try tomatoes, mushrooms, spinach)
Day 4: coffee, orange juice, tea or milk, muffin
Day 5: whole grain toast with nut butter
Day 6: whole grain cereal with fruit on top
Day 7: fresh green salad or dinner leftovers

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