Thursday, May 1, 2008

Recipe for a Spring Diet: A cleansing Meal

As the seasons change, our needs change accordingly. Nutritionally, this is a good time of year to cleanse. Your diet should become lighter, with more foods like greens, sprouts, salads, fruits, nuts and seeds. Incorporate some grains and reduce heavier foods such as dairy and meat. Fried foods, foods containing chemicals, and alcohol should be avoided. Spring is an important time of year to develop a regular exercise program. Creating clarity and developing focus through mental relaxation is important during spring as this is a time of new beginnings. By eliminating excess and congestion, we create room for a brighter now.

Spring Salad:

All ingredients in this salad contain cleansing properties

Dandelion greens
Sprouts (mixes of sprouted beans, lentils, seeds and peas are available at your health food store)
Daikon Radish

Lemon juice (preferably freshly squeezed)
1 clove of garlic (optional)
Drizzle of olive oil (optional) 1 Tsp of Mustard (optional)

This salad can be either warm or cold:

Warm salad:
Sauté daikon radish and garlic in either a tablespoon of olive oil or a little bit of water, then add greens and sprouts for the last 2-3 minutes. Once it is done, season with lemon juice and mustard.

Cold salad:
Slice daikon into rings (as you would a carrot) and cook by either slightly sautéing or baking with olive oil at 375 until tender. Once cooked, mix daikon with raw dandelion, lemon juice and mustard.

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