Six or Seven years ago I was diagnosed with severe digestive complications and was told I would have to be on medication for the rest of my life. Within a year I was off my medication and besides a few minor episodes over the years, I have been free of symptoms ever since.
Nutrition works!
But nutrition does not represent the entire picture. A holistic notion of healing treats not only the body, but the mind and spirit as well. To credit healing entirely on external influences is to underestimate one’s self-worth and inner-power as well as the body’s internal wisdom.
Each physical symptom we experience, whether it is weight, pain, or disease, carries an important message. The body is a mirror of our inner thoughts and beliefs. Every cell responds to every thought and every word you speak. No matter what disease or symptom may be present, it carries important messages to help us develop our individual path.
Symptoms are messages from the body to slow down, look deeper, and listen. Welcome the symptoms. You are being asked to really explore how to better nourish yourself, listen to your gut and start over. What is the symptom saying, how does it express itself? Symptoms love stress; we need to explore the stresses in our lives.
The body speaks through sensation, pleasure, and pain. Relaxing into life entails learning the language of the body.
My initial thoughts when I first got sick and was diagnosed were all on the lines of “Oh no! I’m screwed!”
How wrong I was! I began to explore and journal about all the belief systems in my life that would cause my gut (intuition,) to be so heated and over protective. I explored both my diet and the internal workings of my mind until I learned what was needed for my personal growth at the time. Addressing the cause, released the symptom. My digestive issues had become my dearest friend, a barometer for my internal stress levels.
A couple of weeks ago I started to experience cramping in my stomach. My old friend was showing early signs of a visit. I was confused, as nothing had changed much in my nutrition or lifestyle in recent weeks. I sat with the question, “why are you here, what are you here to say?”
On the evening of the third day of cramps and sitting with the question, it occurred to me that I had recently declined a great professional opportunity in the field of nutrition. The decision came from the voice of reason while in my body there was a huge urge and curiosity to explore this opportunity. While I felt at peace with my decision, I realized that in doing so, I had shut down the excitement stirring in my gut.
What happened next has still left me amazed! I mentally acknowledged my belly, letting it know that I had heard its voice and decided to take a different route that was better for the whole. In that instant I felt a shift, a subsiding of pain and the next morning I woke up feeling as good as ever.
When we ignore our symptoms we act irresponsibly and disrespectfully to our body. While modern day medication is extremely valuable, many of us take over-the-counter medication a little too often, anytime we have the slightest onset of discomfort. The symptom is masked and we forget it was there or how often it appears. We keep it under control and choose to keep riding the wave of our stresses, refusing to truly slow down and listen.