During winter it was important to keep our body warm. Winter was not the time to go fat-free, nor was it the time to diet on salads, fruits and rice cakes. Our body needed to be warmed up by eating dense foods and intentionally accumulated excess mucus or fat to coat itself.
Spring is the best time of year to enjoy a lighter diet. During spring our body desires detoxifying foods in an attempt to reset the system and enhance metabolic efficiency in preparation for the warmer months ahead. A high protein, high fat winter diet is highly acidic and causes mucus to accumulate in the intestines. If we do not cleanse ourselves of the mucus, it will prevent waste from moving through our bodies and stop nutrients from being absorbed. This build up of mucus is a common cause of bowel dysfunction and a weakened immune system.
The liver is responsible for filtering the blood of toxins and breaking them down for elimination. If the liver is overloaded, it is less able to detoxify the blood, and poisons accumulate, usually manifesting in an individual’s weaker areas.
It is no coincidence that sprouts and greens are among the first things to grow in spring. Both are known for their cleansing properties. As always, nature delivers what we need for balance.
Bitter roots of spring help break down mucus, while eating sprouts and leafy greens supply chlorophyll to aid the re-growth of the good intestinal bacteria.
To harmonize your body with the season and aid in detoxification:
• Eat smaller meals
• Avoid alcohol, chemical drugs and fried foods
• Minimize your intake of heavier foods such as meat and dairy
• Drink plenty fluids and use fresh lemon in your water for liver cleansing
• Fresh organic cold-pressed olive oil is best for the liver
• Focus on tender, leafy vegetables that represent the fresh new growth of this season. Your greens for Spring can include Swiss chard, spinach, Romaine lettuce, dandelion, fresh parsley, and basil
• Exercising and sweating regularly is a great method for cleansing
This is a season when we need to eat more fruits and vegetables, perhaps whole grains, and drink lots of water.
A toxic system clogs the mind just as it clogs the body. A cleansing spring diet can sharpen your concentration, help you gain insight and promote spiritual awareness.
Spring is the time to look at your life and plan anew. It is no coincidence that we traditionally spring clean our home. This is a good time to take a look at what you want to clean out within your environment and yourself. As nature awakens and flowers, so do we. The soil is fertile and ready for planting. Be clear on which aspects of your life you wish to nurture and grow. The next six months, with the sun as the predominant energy, are an opportunity to expand into new horizons. Plant the seeds of transformation and watch yourself evolve.