The New Year caries a powerful energy as many tend to turn inward and reflect upon their resolutions for the upcoming year. Goals can be helpful and yet extremely overwhelming; they invoke a fear of commitment; your mind begins to reason with resistance- “how can I commit to something when I don’t know HOW I’m going to achieve it?”
The good news is that you don’t have to know how. All you need is to be willing.
The fact that you are feeling a reaction to your desired resolutions indicates that the healing process has begun. E-motion equals Energy-in-motion. Since our mind is our creative force, the process begins the moment we think about making a change.
Impatience is another form of resistance. We want to see the results immediately rather than learn the lessons involved in what created the problem in the first place. Our lessons in growth lay in the small steps that will lead us to the solution. These small steps will insure we don’t recreate the problem in the future. It is the journey which reveals and addresses the cause rather than just eliminating the symptom. Through the process, we learn the connection between the outer experiences and the inner thoughts that create them.
This is where affirmations come in. Affirmations are tools to achieve your resolutions. With a consistently positive attitude about your goals, you are more likely to reach them. An affirmation is a statement of a belief you would like to hold about yourself.
Be sure to phrase your affirmations positively. Our thoughts create a mental image in our mind. For example if you say “I don’t want to be so self-conscious” you are still projecting to your mind an image of being self-conscious. If you are saying “I am filled with confidence” that is the image you’re creating. Also, state the affirmation in the present tense; "I am confident" rather than "I will act confident." If you state in future tense, your subconscious is receiving the image that this is something that is always just out of your reach.
Your mind is a tool and it is your choice in how you are going to use it. The thoughts you choose to think create the experiences you have. If you believe that it is hard or difficult to change a habit, then this will be true. If you choose to think “it is becoming easier for me to make changes,” then that is what will be true to you.
The power of change is always in the present moment. You are never stuck. The way you perceived your past experiences is what brought you to where you are today. What you choose to believe and say now will create the next moment and all future moments. You have the power in every present moment as each moment is a new beginning.
I approve of myself
This is the best day of my life
Whatever I need to know now is revealed to me
Everything is working for my highest good
I deserve the best and I accept it now
It’s going to be a happy new year!